Pavtan Aata: An Effective Diet For Cancer Patients

pavtan cancer care food india

Cancer is defined as an abnormality in cell growth when the cells grow uncontrollably in any part of the body they form a cancerous knot or abnormal growth.  Many types of cancers are not preventable but can be avoided by changes in certain food habits and health practices.

A Vision of Cancer From an Ayurvedic Perspective

ayurveda in cancer

In Ayurveda, cancer is described as:

  • Inflammatory or non-inflammatory swelling and mentioned either as ‘Granthi’ (minor neoplasm) or ‘Arbuda‘ (major neoplasm).
  • The nervous system (Vata or air), the venous system (Pitta or fire), and the arterial system (Kapha or water) are three basics of Ayurveda and very important for normal body function.
  • In malignant tumors all three systems get out of control (Tridoshas) and lose mutual coordination that causes tissue damage, resulting in critical condition.
  • Tridoshas cause excessive metabolic crises resulting in proliferation.

Food and Cancer

cancer and food

Cancer can start in almost any organ or tissue of the body. Studies show that certain basic lifestyle changes can prevent most cancers by 30-50%. There is no direct link between fat intake and cancer but obesity increases the risk of cancer.

Cancer patients should be very careful about what they eat. Various food items can be consumed in a controlled manner. Some of the tips on how food intake can be managed:

Foods to avoid

  • Sugar
  • Refined Carbohydrates
  • Processed meat
  • Overcooked food
  • Alcohol

Foods that help prevent cancer

  • Plant-based foods
  • Vegetables
  • Grains
  • Flaxseeds
  • Spices like cinnamon and curcumin

Pavtan Arogya Ahar: Wholesome diet for Cancer patients

pavtan cancer care food india

It has been proven by research in various medical practices, especially in Ayurveda that cancer patients should not intake certain types of food, then the question arose as to what food should be given to the patient. Keeping in mind the needs of a cancer patient, Pavtan came up with a special diet, Pavtan Arogya Ahar.

The Pavtan Arogya Ahar is designed according to the literature of Ayurveda and state-of-the-art medical practices, which will help the patients to fight against the disease, in view of the food needs of cancer patients. Diet plays an important role in the treatment of any disease! In a terrible disease like cancer, it is necessary for the patient to avoid a frivolous diet.

This special diet is ready to use, a type of flour which is a mixture of 6 types of food items having an anti-cancer property which plays an important role in curing the patient’s food needs as well as curing the disease.

Ingredients of Pavtan Arogya Ahar

The Pavtan Aata contains

  • Amaranth which contains Libcesik acid which kills cancer cells.
  • Green Gram: It has anti-cancer properties
  • Singhada: It is gluten-free, low in fat, cholesterol-free, low in sodium, high in potassium, rich in the minerals calcium, iron, zinc, and phosphorus and contains moderate amounts of fiber.
  • Kuttu: It contains rutin which is considered good for strengthening capillary walls. It is supposed to control Blood Pressure It can reduce cholesterol and body fat.
  • Sanwa
  • Ragi: It is a super grain that can guard you against not just cancer, but other dangerous diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, cancer including osteoporosis. It is a rich source of iron, calcium, and protein.

The cancer patient cannot eat a lot of food. The Pavtan diet 100 gm flour fulfills is equal to a complete meal. Our specially curated diet reduces the side effects of chemotherapy radiation of the cancer patient and frees the patient from disease and eradicates the suffering of the family. This diet has been prepared after deliberate research and has helped more than 5000 patients.

Common questions about Pavtan Aata

question and answer

Question 1. Can it be used with other medicines?

Answer – Yes, do not stop any of the medicines which you are taking.  You can use it with other medicines, it has no side effects whatsoever with or without other medicines.

Question 2. How long does it stay good to use?

Answer – It does not go bad in the unopened packet for 3 months. Keep it in an airtight container or in the fridge and consume it within a month after opening the packet.

Question 3. Where is it available to buy?

Answer: Pavtan Aarogya Ahar can be ordered from our website and can be delivered to all the places in India that have postal services.

Question 4. How much quantity should be used for one meal?

Answer: Cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure patients can use 100 gm in the morning and 100 gm in the evening and kidney patients can use 70 gm in the morning and 70 gm in the evening.


About The Author

Pavtan Food Products have been made after years of scientific research based on Ayurveda and Medical Science. Our ‘Cancer Care Aata’ has proved to be an ayurvedic gift to cancer patients, thousands of them have benefitted from it. The major ingredients include Raj Gira, Singhada, Sanwa, Kattu, and Moong which help in curing cancer and preventing the cancer cells to grow further.

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