An examination of Ayurveda’s role in the treatment of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a prevailing disease and is observed mostly in women all over the world. Like all other cancers, breast cancer occurs when some unusual cells grow out of…
Read more »Effective Ayurvedic Remedies for the Treatment of Bone Cancer
Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest comprehensive (“whole-body”) healing systems. It follows the principles of natural healing systems; hence the treatment prescribed has zero or no side effects. The…
Read more »Ayurvedic Remedies for the Treatment of Skin Cancer
By Skin Cancer, we mean – the abnormal growth of skin cells, which is most often developed on the skin, with maximum exposure to the sun. However, skin cancer is…
Read more »Leukemia in Children: Herbal Remedies and Ayurvedic Treatment
Leukaemia in children refers to the phenomenon where enormous white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow. These abnormal blood cells crowd the bone marrow and flood the bloodstream….
Read more »Ayurvedic Remedies for the Treatment of Spleen Cancer
Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest comprehensive (“whole-body”) healing systems. It originated in India around 3,000 years ago. It is an alternative medical system with historical roots in the…
Read more »Ayurveda’s Efficacy in the Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer
Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest comprehensive (“whole-body”) healing systems. It originated in India around 3,000 years ago. It is an alternative medical system with historical roots in the…
Read more »क्या आयुर्वेद से फेफड़ों के कैंसर का उपचार संभव हैं?
हम सभी इस बात से भलीभांति वाकिफ है कि कैंसर एक गंभीर बीमारी है, अगर इसके लक्षणों की सही समय पर पहचान और इलाज न हो तो यह जानलेवा भी…
Read more »कैंसर: प्रकार,लक्षण एवं इसके आयुर्वेदिक उपचार
कैंसर एक ऐसी बीमारी है जिसका नाम सुनते ही हम डर जाते हैं क्योंकि इसका अब तक कोई स्पष्ट इलाज नहीं मिल पाया है लेकिन समय पर रहते उपचार एवं…
Read more »The Role of Ayurveda in Bladder Cancer Treatment
Bladder cancer is a widespread disease among men on this planet. Although women have this disease also but it is much frequent in men as compared to women. Adults of…
Read more »How can Ayurveda help in the treatment of cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer occurs at the lower part of the uterus called the cervix, which is connected to the Vagina. Most cervical cancers are caused due to the sexually-transmitted Human PapilloMavirus…
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