How Effective is Ayurveda in Helping Cure Kidney Cancer?
Kidney cancer is a group of cancers that begins in the kidney. It is also called Renal cancer. Diagnosis of Renal cancer can be based on symptoms, urine testing, and…
Read more »A Prescription for Healthy Living: How Food and Exercise Can Help Cancer Patients
A patient’s healing does not stop as they get out of the hospital. Incorporating a healthy lifestyle with activities that keep one active either by exercise or sports, a healthy…
Read more »Pavtan Aata: An Effective Diet For Cancer Patients
Cancer is defined as an abnormality in cell growth when the cells grow uncontrollably in any part of the body they form a cancerous knot or abnormal growth. Many types…
Read more »Ayurveda as an Adjuvant Remedy for Gastric Cancer
Gastric Cancer, also known as Stomach Cancer, is the sixth most common cancer in the world with nearly 1 million new cases every year. The aggressiveness of the disease is…
Read more »An Overview and Ayurvedic Approach to Cure Lymphoma Cancer
Lymphoma is a malignant growth that starts in disease battling cells of the immune system, called lymphocytes. These cells are in the lymph hubs, spleen, thymus, bone marrow, and different…
Read more »What is Ovarian Cancer? How to Cure Ovarian Cancer with Ayurveda
Ovarian Cancer is a type of cancer that mainly spreads in ovaries located in the female reproductive system. When abnormal cells in the ovary multiply out of control, they form a…
Read more »What is Prostate Cancer? The Role of Ayurveda in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer refers to cancer developing in man’s prostate. It is a petite walnut-size gland that creates seminal fluids. A prostate of a man creates the seminal fluid which transports…
Read more »What is Liver Cancer? Diet and Nutrition for people living with Liver Cancer
Liver Cancer refers to the development of cancer cells in the liver. The liver can be affected by cancer cells that arise in the liver or by cancer which is…
Read more »What is mouth cancer? How can it be healed with the help of Ayurveda?
Mouth Cancer or oral cancer is the growth of cancer cells in the mouth that can appear anywhere in the mouth. For example, mouth cancer is most likely to appear…
Read more »Food and Cancer: How do eating habits affect Cancer?
Cancer is a group of diseases that can start in almost any organ or tissue of the body when abnormal cells grow uncontrollably, go beyond their usual boundaries to invade…
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